Routine medical eye exams are important for the detection, diagnosis and treatment of eye disease. We provide refractive and medical eye care. Its important to get thorough eye exams that include dilated fundus examinations periodically to ensure the health of your eyes.

Some conditions we often detect are glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, hypertensive disease, malignant eye disease and diabetic retinopathy. The sooner we discover these problems, the easier treating them will be. Early detection provides us the best chance of slowing or reversing any symptoms, including loss of vision.

Children usually get their eyes and vision checked during routine visits with their pediatrician, however, this is a screening not a comprehensive eye exam. We will take a more thorough look and evaluation of their eyes.

Please contact us today at (703) 425-2000 if you would like to schedule a routine examination!